why is important to mine iron and phosphates

gold phosphates and iron

both types are extensively mined in south africa south africa has numerous important mineral resources notably gold iron iron and phosphates mine

Phosphate Define Phosphate at

noun 1 Chemistry loosely a salt or ester of phosphoric acid a tertiary salt of orthophosphoric acid as sodium phosphate 2 Agriculture a fertilizing material


Minerals are inorganic elements needed for growth and maintenance of bone osmotic balance muscle and nerve function body enzymes hormones and body cells

Phosphates EuroChem

Our vertical integration in phosphates begins at our Kovdorskiy GOK apatite high nutrient content phosphate rock mine which allows us to meet up to 80% of our

Mining in South Africa Overview

South Africa is one of the world s and Africa s most important mining countries in terms of the variety and quantity of minerals produced It has the world s largest

Phosphates water

Phosphates enter waterways from human and animal waste phosphorus rich bedrock laundry cleaning industrial effluents and fertilizer runoff

FGS Florida Minerals

FLORIDA S MINERALS Making Modern Life Possible Mine locations in Florida Florida Mining History Pictures of Rocks commonly found in Florida